Couchbase 7 Adds Relational Support Model
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Couchbase 7.0 has been released with new relational model support including SQL transactions, and a dynamic data containment model with schema-like structure layers called scopes and collections.

CouchDB was originally developed by Damien Katz, and was then adopted as a successful Apache project. The developers then moved on to create a successor to CouchDB, Couchbase Server.


This is a hybrid database combining elements of both document and key-value databases. The key-value element comes from the memcached-compatible protocol, while documents are handled by storing the data in JSON format with support for secondary indexes.

The first major improvement to Couchbase 7 is support for multi-document, distributed ACID transactions as part of Couchbase's N1QL query language. Couchbase introduced ACID transactions in its v6.5 release with the Couchbase SDKs, and this has now been extended and is also available to application developers through Couchbase APIs. The new N1QL enhancement provides transactional constructs such as START TRANSACTION, SAVEPOINT, ROLLBACK and COMMIT.  The ability to create transactions in N1QL adds safety to ad hoc data manipulation, and when used with the full functionality of N1QL Data Manipulation Language enables work on multiple documents at a time.

The second improvement, Scopes and Collections, give developers a way to logically isolate different types of data, and to include lifecycle management and security control at multiple levels of granularity. Scopes and Collections are logical containers within a Couchbase Bucket. Buckets are used within Couchbase clusters to group collections of keys and values logically.

Couchbase users can create Scopes and Collections from any of the Couchbase SDKs, couchbase-cli, REST APIs, N1QL or from the UI. The team says N1QL queries become much simpler and syntactically briefer as you no longer need to qualify different document types using where type = xxx. Instead you simply refer to the Collection directly.


More Information

Couchbase Website

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 17 August 2021 )