Siri - A Horror Movie
Written by Harry Fairhead   
Monday, 26 December 2011

Siri as horror story? So far Siri has had a whirlwind romance with the iPhone user. Could it turn sour in a moment if the technology puts a foot wrong, or is Siri here to stay?

This is a slightly silly, very funny horror movie parody featuring Siri as the evil artificial intelligence. What you make of the video depends very much on how well you recognize the conventions of the modern horror classic.

There is a short commercial at the start of video.


Writers and film producers have long preferred dystopian technological futures and Siri both excites and provides an opportunity for more dystopian predictions. At the moment it represents the most commonly encountered and high profile AI device in use. Forget robots, forget HAL, forget everything you imagined about the coming future of AI - the fact of the matter is that AI is here and its public face is Siri.




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Last Updated ( Monday, 26 December 2011 )