Free Code Metrics Power Tool
Friday, 28 January 2011

A free code metrics tool from Microsoft - but be warned it's not user-friendly.

if you make use of code metrics then it is worth knowing that version 10 of the Visual Studio Code Metrics PowerTool is now available at the Microsoft Download Center.

The Code Metrics PowerTool is a command line utility that calculates code metrics for your managed code and saves them to an XML file.

It enables teams to collect and report code metrics as part of their build process. The code metrics calculated are:

  • Maintainability Index
  • Cyclomatic Complexity
  • Depth of Inheritance
  • Class Coupling
  • Lines Of Code (LOC)

When you have completed the installation you will find two new files in the FxCop directory. Simply type Metrics at the command prompt and you will see a list of possible commands. It isn' the easiest tool to use and you'll need to spend some time adding it to the external tools menu of Visual Studio.


Dowload Code Metrics PowerTool here


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 02 February 2011 )