Business Reporting Added to NetAdvantage
Written by David Conrad   
Wednesday, 16 November 2011

The latest release of Infragistics suite includes its first-ever reporting tool. It also sees Silverlight xamGrid ported to WPF, and the xamDataChart ported to HTML5/ jQuery.

NetAdvantage Ultimate 11.2 marks the debut of NetAdvantage Reporting a XAML-based reporting solution that binds data from multiple sources and displays it in formats that make designing reports convenient and simple. With server-side and client-side rendering, NetAdvantage Reporting supports all platforms and enables print and export to Microsoft Excel and PDF.



Highlights in this release of NetAdvantage Ultimate include:

  • Increased business intelligence and data analysis capabilities. Infragistics’ OLAP Grid and Data Chart enhancements enable users to drill into their data for quick interpretation and action.
  • Enhanced delivery of Excel-like experiences across all product platforms.
  • Continued investment in Infragistics’ Unified XAML product strategy. As many of the Silverlight and WPF XAML controls share a single unified code base, Infragistics enables as much re-use as possible across XAML products and continues to push to create new shared controls.
  • Styling and branding capabilities across all platforms enabling end users to easily customize the look at feel of their application.
  • Continued commitment to mature platforms (Windows Forms, ASP.NET). As much of the industry moves on to new technologies, Infragistics continues to invest in the mature platforms and when ready, helps customers transition to new technologies as they need them.
  • SharePoint Web Parts developer-only license to build, set and test code-free dashboards and visualize Key Performance Indicators and actionable metrics.


The new features and enhancements across all of Infragistics ten UI toolsets can be found on the , NetAdvantage Ultimate page.  


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 16 November 2011 )