Homes Found For Iron languages
Friday, 26 November 2010

Negotiations as to where IronPython and IronRuby should be hosted now that Microsoft has relinquished them has been settled. GitHub will have source control and CodePlex issue tracking.




After some months of rumour and confusion Microsoft announced last month that it was giving up control of its Iron languages (see Microsoft Lets Go Of The Iron Languages). This raised the question of where to host the project. The debate is now over and and the answer is Github for source control and CodePlex for issue tracking.

Moving to Github allows the coordinators to better manage the large amount of code that overlaps both projects. These include the DLR itself as well as unit tests that address interoperability between the two languages. For those that prefer Mercurial to Git, there is a mirror on bitbucket.

Issue tracking will remain on CodePlex. It was decided that attempting to move the issue tracking over as well would be too disruptive at this time. Currently the IronPython team is asking for help in verifying the backlog of issues, many of which date back to version 1 and may have since been corrected.

Source Code Repositories

Issue Tracking




Further reading:

Microsoft lets go of Iron languages

Microsoft's Dynamic Languages Are Dying


.NET languages

Book reviews

IronRuby Unleashed

The Ruby Programming Language



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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 15 November 2022 )