The Pico In MicroPython: A PIO Driver For The DHT22
Written by Harry Fairhead & Mike James   
Monday, 17 May 2021
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The Pico In MicroPython: A PIO Driver For The DHT22
Complete Listing

Complete Listing

import rp2
from machine import Pin
         autopush=True, in_shiftdir=rp2.PIO.SHIFT_LEFT)
def dht22():
    set(pins, 0)
    mov(x, osr)
    jmp(x_dec, "loop1")
    set(pindirs, 0)
    wait(1, pin, 0)
    wait(0, pin, 0)
    wait(1, pin, 0)
    wait(0, pin, 0)
    set(y, 31)
    wait(1, pin, 0) [25]
    in_(pins, 1)
    wait(0, pin, 0)
    jmp(y_dec, "bits")
    set(y, 7)
    wait(1, pin, 0)[25]
    in_(pins, 1)
    wait(0, pin, 0)
    jmp(y_dec, "check")
class DHT22():
    def __init__(self, gpio): = rp2.StateMachine(0, dht22, freq=490196,
in_base=Pin(gpio), set_base=Pin(gpio),
jmp_pin=Pin(gpio)) def getReading(self): data=0 data = byte1 = (data >> 24 & 0xFF) byte2 = (data >> 16 & 0xFF) byte3 = (data >> 8 & 0xFF) byte4 = (data & 0xFF) checksum = & 0xFF self.checksum = (checksum == (byte1+byte2+byte3+byte4) & 0xFF) self.humidity = ((byte1 << 8) | byte2) / 10.0 neg = byte3 & 0x80 byte3 = byte3 & 0x7F self.temperature = (byte3 << 8 | byte4) / 10.0 if neg > 0: self.temperature = -self.temperature dht = DHT22(2) dht.getReading() print("Checksum", dht.checksum) print("Humidity= ", dht.humidity) print("Temperature=", dht.temperature)


  • The DHT22 is a low-cost temperature and humidity sensor.

  • It uses a custom single wire bus which is not compatible with the 1-Wire bus.

  • Its asynchronous protocol is easy to implement directly in user space.

  • A very simple checksum is used to detect errors.

  • It is possible to implement the protocol as defined in the datasheet using a PIO by using counting loops to time each pulse.

  • A better use of the PIO is to notice that the protocol can be decoded by testing the state of the line a fixed time after the rising edge.


Programming the Raspberry Pi Pico/W In MicroPython Second Edition

By Harry Fairhead & Mike James


Buy from Amazon.


  • Preface
  • Chapter 1 The Raspberry Pi Pico – Before We Begin
  • Chapter 2 Getting Started
  • Chapter 3 Getting Started With The GPIO
  • Chapter 4 Simple Output
  • Chapter 5 Some Electronics
  • Chapter 6 Simple Input
             Extract: Simple Input 
  • Chapter 7 Advanced Input – Events and Interrupts
  • Chapter 8 Pulse Width Modulation
             Extract: PWM 
  • Chapter 9 Controlling Motors And Servos
             Extract: DC Motors
  • Chapter 10 Getting Started With The SPI Bus
  • Chapter 11 A-To-D and The SPI Bus ***NEW!
  • Chapter 12 Using The I2C Bus
  • Chapter 13 Using The PIO   
  • Chapter 14 The DHT22 Sensor Implementing A Custom Protocol
             Extract: A PIO Driver For The DHT22  
  • Chapter 15 The 1‑Wire Bus And The DS1820
  • Chapter 16 The Serial Port
  • Chapter 17 Using The Pico W - WiFi
             Extract: HTTP Client 
  • Chapter 18 Asyncio And Servers
  • Chapter 19 Direct To The Hardware
             Extract: Direct To The Hardware

Also of interest:

Raspberry Pico File System






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Last Updated ( Monday, 17 May 2021 )