Ten minutes To PHP Objects
Written by Mike James   
Thursday, 18 November 2021
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Ten minutes To PHP Objects

Finally all we need is a method to generate the appropriate HTML:

public function output()
 print "<input type=button ";
  print "value=".$this->names[$x][$y]." ";
  print "name=B".$y.$x.">\n";
  print "\n<br>\n";

The only complicated part of this method is the print statement which builds up an HTML tag something like:

<input type=button value=caption 
name= Browcolumn>

where caption is the value stored in the appropriate location of the $names array and rowcolumn is simply the row and column number that the button is in.

For example, the first button is:

<input type=button value=caption name= B11>


<input type=button value=caption name= B12>

and so on.
If you enter all of this code into the file “buttonpad.inc” you can make use of it in a PHP page using something like:

<title>Buttons demo</title>
$pad=new buttonpad(3,3);

Notice that the “include” has to be the first item in the page and that the included file has to start with <?php and end with >>. This might look complicated by notice that the PHP program is just:

$pad=new buttonpad(3,3);

and this generates a 3x3 labelled grid of buttons.



A button grid generated by a PHP class


Of course there are lots of big and small improvements you can make to the class. For example, it seems to make sense to allocate a default labelling for the buttons and this can be best done in the constructor:

public function __constructor($n,$m)

It is very easy to create PHP classes that make use of state or session information. This makes it possible to take an object-oriented approach to problems such as user tracking - simply define a User class and create an instance for each user. In the same way you could build a shopping system based on a shopping cart class and so on. And when it comes to database manipulation, objects were just made for the job! The point is that there are times when an object-oriented approach really is justified and other times when you are probably better off just writing PHP script functions.

To access the final example as a php program file,  once you have registered,  click on CodeBin.

If you would like to know more about using objects to generate HTML see:

Object-oriented HTML generation


Introduction to PHP



  1. Getting started
    Getting Started With NetBeans PHP - Local Projects
  2. What PHP Does
  3. PHP Variables and Expressions for Complete Beginners
  4. PHP Control Structures 1 - if and else
  5. PHP Control Structures 2 - switch and elseif
  6. PHP loops
  7. Advanced loops
  8. Functions
  9. Ten minutes to PHP objects
  10. PHP Inner Functions And Closure
  11. NetBeans Remote Projects and debugging

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 18 November 2021 )