Book Watch Archive

Learn CUDA Programming (Packt)
Friday, 25 October 2019

Subtitled "A beginner's guide to GPU programming and parallel computing with CUDA 10.x and C/C++",  in this book authors Jaegeun Han and Bharatkumar Sharma explore different GPU programming methods using libraries and directives, such as OpenACC, with extension to languages such as C, C++, and Python. The book also looks at optimizing the performance of apps using CUDA programming platforms with various libraries, compiler directives (OpenACC), and other languages.


UNIX: A History and a Memoir
Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Written for the 50th anniversary of Unix, this book covers the fascinating story of how Unix began and how it took over the world. Author Brian Kernighan, a member of the original group of Unix developers and the creator of several fundamental Unix programs, has produced an account that is part history and part memoir explaining what Unix is, how it came about, and why it matters. Accessible to non-specialists, the book is written for anyone with an interest in computing or the history of inventions. 


Professional JavaScript for Web Developers 4th Ed (Wrox)
Monday, 21 October 2019

Written for intermediate-to-advanced programmers, this book jumps right into the technical details to help you clean up your code and become a more sophisticated JavaScript developer. From JavaScript-specific object-oriented programming and inheritance, to combining JavaScript with HTML and other markup languages, author Matt Frisbie walks you through the fundamentals and beyond. This new fourth edition has been updated to cover through ECMAScript 2019; new frameworks and libraries, new techniques, new APIs, and more are explained in detail for the professional developer, with a practical focus that helps you put your new skills to work on real-world projects.


Hands-on Azure Boards (Apress)
Friday, 18 October 2019

Subtitled "Configuring and Customizing Process Workflows in Azure DevOps Services", in this book authors Chaminda Chandrasekara and Pushpa Herath cover Azure Boards configuration and advanced administration. The book starts from setting up Azure Boards projects and goes as far as multiple modules, security options, and working with the REST API and CLI.


Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow (O'Reilly)
Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Updated in this second edition to cover TensorFlow 2.0, this book aims to show programmers who know little about machine learning how to use simple, efficient tools to implement programs capable of learning from data. Author Aurélien Géron uses two production-ready Python frameworks, Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow, to illustrate the concepts and tools for building intelligent systems. The book covers a range of techniques, starting with simple linear regression and progressing to deep neural networks.


Haskell from the Very Beginning (Coherent Press)
Monday, 14 October 2019

The book is aimed at both new and experienced programmers eager to explore functional languages such as Haskell. Author John Whitington takes a no-prerequisites approach to teaching the basics of a modern general-purpose programming language. Each small, self-contained chapter introduces a new topic, building until the reader can write quite substantial programs.


The Joy of Search (MIT Press)
Friday, 11 October 2019

This book explains how to frame search queries so they will yield information and describes the best ways to use such resources as Google Earth, Google Scholar, Wikipedia, and Wikimedia.  With the subtitle, "A Google Insider's Guide to Going Beyond the Basics" it is by Daniel Russell,  Google's Űber Tech Lead for Search Quality and User Happiness who also created two free online courses on Power Search which as still available. Russell also shows why metadata is important, and how to triangulate information from multiple sources.


Programming Kotlin (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Wednesday, 09 October 2019

With the subtitle' "Create Elegant, Expressive, and Performant JVM and Android Applications", this book aims to help you master Kotlin to create performant, concise, and easy to maintain applications. Author Venkat Subramaniam starts with scripting with Kotlin before moving on to object-oriented programming. Other parts of the book look at Kotlin's functional-style capabilities, how to create internal domain-specific languages (DSLs), asynchronous programming, and Java interop.


Windows 10 Special Edition (In Easy Steps)
Monday, 07 October 2019

In this book author Mike McGrath walks the reader through Windows 10 basics. Billed as a "special edition - to venture further" and also referred to as 3rd edition, the book builds on Windows 10 In Easy Steps and Windows 10 for Seniors, taking the user to the next level. Written to help non-technical PC-users to make the most of their Windows 10 computer, the book then gently guides the reader through more advanced features, all in the familiar In Easy Steps style. Includes a chapter on troubleshooting to serve as a handy reference.


Deep Learning Illustrated (Addison-Wesley)
Friday, 04 October 2019

In this "Visual, Interactive Guide to Artificial Intelligence" deep learning is explained with full-color figures and easy-to-follow code. Authors Jon Krohn and Grant Beyleveld present straightforward analogies to explain what deep learning is, why it has become so popular, and how it relates to other machine learning approaches. Theory is explained with hands-on Python code in accompanying Jupyter notebooks, along with coverage of deep learning library Keras to construct efficient TensorFlow models.  PyTorch, the leading alternative library, is also covered.


Angular Projects (Packt Publishing)
Wednesday, 02 October 2019

This practical guide to building optimized web apps using Angular explores a number of popular features, including the experimental, Ivy rendered, lazy loading and differential loading. Author Zama Khan Mohammed starts with the basics of Angular and its tools, before going on to the "nine real-world applications from scratch" referred to in the subtitle. These projects include an SPA using Angular Router, and optimizing it by code splitting and Preloading Routes; making forms reactive using Reactive Forms; a progressive web app, and a server-side rendering app. The book ends with creating and testing a component library using the Angular CDK.


Python for SAS Users (Apress)
Monday, 30 September 2019

This book is aimed at developers familiar with Base SAS programming who want to learn Python by example. Authors Randy Betancourt and Sarah Chen provide examples that map SAS programming constructs and coding patterns into their Python equivalents. The focus is on pandas and data management issues related to analysis of data. The book contains over 200 Python scripts and 75 SAS programs that are analogs to the Python scripts.



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