Applying C For The IoT With Linux (I/O Press)
Wednesday, 05 June 2019

This is the book you need if you are programming for Single Board Computers (SBCs) that run Linux, or if you do any coding in C that interacts with the hardware. As there isn’t a good name for this body of knowledge, it isn’t easy to find a single source for it. In this book author Harry Fairhead gathers together all of these low-level, hardware-oriented and often hardware-specific ideas.


This is a moderately advanced book. This is not to say that it is difficult, but it does presuppose that you already know how to program in C and that you know the basic idioms of C.

Author: Harry Fairhead
Publisher: I/O Press
Date: May 2019
Pages: 332
ISBN: 978-1871962611
Print: 1871962617
Kindle: B07SH923YX
Audience: C programmers
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Category: C/C++ and Hardware platforms


  • Making a program run automatically
  • Working with user-mode Linux
  • Integer arithmetic
  • Fixed-point arithmetic
  • Floating-point arithmetic
  • Files and the pseudo file system
  • Dev/mem file and memory-mapped files
  • Working with raw memory
  • Sockets
  • Building a web client and a server
  • Graphics
  • Multi-tasking using Pthreads
  • Locking, using mutex and condition variables
  • Scheduling
  • Poll and threading
  • Managing cores
  • C11’s atomics, memory models and barriers
  • Mixing assembler with C

For recommendations of C books see  Top Choice C and C++ Books in our Programmer's Bookshelf section.


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Pro Database Migration to Azure

Author: Kevin Kline et al
Publisher: Apress
Pages: 352
ISBN: 978-1484282298
Print: 1484282299
Kindle: B0B924H21P
Audience: Managers & architects
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Ian Stirk

This book aims to give you a holistic approach to migrating on-premise databases to Azure, how does it fare?

HTML, CSS & JavaScript (In Easy Steps)

Author: Mike McGrath
Publisher: In Easy Steps
Date: July 2020
Pages: 480
ISBN: 978-1840788785
Print: 184078878X
Kindle: B08FBGXGF1
Audience: would-be web developers
Rating: 5
Reviewer Mike James
The three core web technologies in a single book.

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