Data Science Ethics (Oxford University Press)
Friday, 15 July 2022

This book looks at data science ethics - all about what is right and wrong when conducting data science. David Martens looks at the ethical considerations that come from data science, and highlights different concepts and techniques that aid understanding, ranging from k-anonymity and differential privacy to homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proofs to address privacy concerns, techniques to remove discrimination against sensitive groups, and various explainable AI techniques.


Real-life cautionary tales further illustrate the importance and potential impact of data science ethics, including tales of racist bots, search censoring, government backdoors, and face recognition. The book is punctuated with structured exercises that provide hypothetical scenarios and ethical dilemmas for reflection that teach readers how to balance the ethical concerns and the utility of data.

Author: David Martens
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Date: June 2022
Pages: 272
ISBN: 978-0192847270
Audience: General
Level: Intermediate
Category: Data Science


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Date: February 2022
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