A Thousand Brains (Basic Books)
Friday, 11 November 2022

This book sets out to consider how simple cells in the brain create intelligence. Jeff Hawkins and his team discovered that the brain uses maplike structures to build a model of the world—not just one model, but hundreds of thousands of models of everything we know. Based on this theory, Hawkins answers important questions about how we perceive the world, why we have a sense of self, and the origin of high-level thought.



Author: Jeff Hawkins
Publisher: Basic Books
Date: October 2022
Pages: 288
ISBN: 978-1541675797
Print: 1541675797
Kindle: B08CDX6YNW
Audience: General
Level: Intermediate
Category: Artificial Intelligence


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Book Watch is I Programmer's listing of new books and is compiled using publishers' publicity material. It is not to be read as a review where we provide an independent assessment. Some, but by no means all, of the books in Book Watch are eventually reviewed.

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Understanding Software Dynamics (Addison-Wesley)

Author: Richard L. Sites
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Pages: 464
ISBN: 978-0137589739
Print: 0137589735
Kindle: B09H5JB5HC
Audience: Every developers
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

This book looks at the different reasons why software runs too slowly, and what developers can do about it, starting by looki [ ... ]

PHP In Easy Steps, 4th Ed

Author: Mike McGrath
Publisher: In Easy Steps
Date: April 2021
Pages: 192
ISBN: 978-1840789232
Print: 1840789239
Kindle: B08ZSV3MNH
Audience: People wanting to learn PHP
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Ian Elliot
PHP isn't a fashionable language, but this doesn't mean it isn't worth learning.

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