Network Automation with Go (Packt)
Monday, 20 February 2023

This book and its hands-on examples are designed to help you become proficient with Go for network automation. In this practical guide Nicolas Leiva and Michael Kashin teach how to automate common network operations and build systems using Go. After a general overview, use cases, strengths, and inherent weaknesses of Go the book continues with a deeper dive into network automation, exploring the common network automation areas and challenges, what language features are used in each of those areas, and the common software tools and packages.



Author: Nicolas Leiva and Michael Kashin
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Date: January 2023
Pages: 442
Audience: Network developers
Level: Introductory/Intermediate
Category: Other Languages and Systems Management




  • Understand Go programming language basics via network-related examples
  • Find out what features make Go a powerful alternative for network automation
  • Explore network automation goals, benefits, and common use cases
  • Discover how to interact with network devices using a variety of technologies
  • Integrate Go programs into an automation framework
  • Take advantage of the OpenConfig ecosystem with Go
  • Build distributed and scalable systems for network observability



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