Modern Concurrency in Swift, 2nd Ed (Kodeco)
Wednesday, 01 March 2023

This book is aimed at intermediate Swift developers who are familiar with writing asynchronous applications and who want to make use of the concurrency features Apple introduced in Swift 5.5. The Kodeco Team and Marin Todorov look at async/await, tasks and actors.



Author: Kodeco Team and Marin Todorov
Publisher: Kodeco
Date: February 2023
Pages: 269
ISBN: 978-1950325818
Print: 1950325814
Audience: Swift developers
Level: Intermediate
Category: Phone/mobile


Topics covered: 

  • Using async/await: Learn how to use the new async/await keywords to define and run asynchronous work.
  • Actors: Find out how to use the actor model to easily protect shared mutable state in a synchronized container.
  • Tasks: Dive deeper into the Task type, which powers all asynchronous tasks in Swift's modern concurrency model.
  • Task Groups: Use a Task Group to group multiple tasks together and run them concurrently, while using a familiar Array-like syntax to iterate over the results.
  • Custom Asynchronous Sequences: Use the power of async/await in your own asynchronous work, by learning how to create custom AsyncStreams.
  • Testing Asynchronous Code: Asynchronous code can be a challenging beast to test. You'll learn everything you need to tackle this challenge.


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