All About Bioinformatics (Apress)
Friday, 12 May 2023

This book, in the From Beginner to Expert series. provides an overview of the fundamentals and advances in the field of bioinformatics, as well as some future directions. Each chapter includes introduction, applications, tools, and future directions to cover the topics thoroughly. Dr. Yasha Hasija covers both traditional topics such as biological databases, algorithms, genetic variations, static methods, and structural bioinformatics, as well as contemporary advanced topics such as high-throughput technologies, drug informatics, system and network biology, and machine learning.

<ASIN:0443152500 >


Author: Dr. Yasha Hasija
Publisher: Academic Press
Date: April 2023
Pages: 312
Audience: General
Level: Intermediate
Category: Data Science


For recommendations of Big Data books see Reading Your Way Into Big Data in our Programmer's Bookshelf section.


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Racket Programming the Fun Way

Author: James W. Stelly
Publisher: No Starch Press
Date: January 2021
Pages: 360
ISBN: 978-1718500822
Print: 1718500823
Kindle: B085BW4J16
Audience: Developers interested in Racket
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Mike James
If you have ever wanted to Lisp then try Racket.

Driving Value With Sprint Goals

Author: Maarten Dalmijn
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9780137381920
Print: 0137381921
Audience: Scrum developers
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

Over the years I've read a lot of books about agile development and Scrum, and most concentrate on the methodology rather tha [ ... ]

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