Telling Stories with Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC)
Monday, 07 August 2023

This book teaches the end-to-end skills needed to do data science and includes applications in R. Dr. Rohan Alexander says this means gathering, cleaning, preparing, and sharing data, then using statistical models to analyse data, writing about the results of those models, drawing conclusions from them, and finally, using the cloud to put a model into production, all done in a reproducible way. The book looks at how the communicate the results of statistical modelling, and also looks at ethics and reproducibility.

<ASIN:1032134771 >

Author: Dr. Rohan Alexander
Publisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC
Date: July 2023
Pages: 598
ISBN: 978-1032134772
Print: 1032134771
Kindle: B0C97MMKPX
Audience: Data scientists
Level: Intermediate
Category: Data Science


For recommendations of Big Data books see Reading Your Way Into Big Data in our Programmer's Bookshelf section.

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Book Watch is I Programmer's listing of new books and is compiled using publishers' publicity material. It is not to be read as a review where we provide an independent assessment. Some, but by no means all, of the books in Book Watch are eventually reviewed.

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Go Programming In Easy Steps

Author: Mike McGrath
Publisher: In Easy Steps
Date: January 2021
Pages: 192
ISBN: 978-1840789195
Print: 1840789190
Kindle: B08NF958NM
Audience: Non-programmers wanting to learn to code in Go
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Mike James
Getting going with Go - great idea!

Essential C# 12 (Pearson)

Author: Mark Michaelis
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Date: December 3, 2023
Pages: 1232
ISBN: 978-0138219512
Print: 0138219516
Kindle: B0CLKY8GNV
Audience: C# developers
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Mike James
The latest edition of a highly recommended book that combines reference and tutorial material.

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