Modern Generative AI with ChatGPT and OpenAI Models (Packt)
Wednesday, 13 September 2023

This book looks at the use the latest advancements in AI technology like ChatGPT and OpenAIs for real-world applications. Valentina Alto looks at the inner workings of the LLMs and guides the reader through creating their own language models. The book also explores where ChatGPT can boost productivity and enhance creativity, and considers how to get the best from ChatGPT interactions by improving prompt design and using zero, one, and few-shots learning capabilities.

<ASIN: 1805123335>


Author: Valentina Alto
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Date: May 2023
Pages: 286
ISBN: 978-1805123330
Print: 1805123335
Kindle: ‎ B0BW4LQLJX
Audience: Developers interested in ChatGPT
Level: Intermediate
Category: Artificial Intelligence

  • Understand generative AI concepts from basic to intermediate level
  • Focus on the GPT architecture for generative AI models
  • Maximize ChatGPT's value with an effective prompt design
  • Explore applications and use cases of ChatGPT
  • Use OpenAI models and features via API calls
  • Build and deploy generative AI systems with Python
  • Use Azure infrastructure for enterprise-level use cases
  • Ensure responsible AI and ethics in generative AI systems

For recommended titles on AI see  AI Books To Inspire Youin our Programmer's Bookshelf section.


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Programming with Rust

Author:  Donis Marshall
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Pages: 400
ISBN: 978-0137889655
Print: 0137889658
Kindle: B0CLL1TGVT
Audience: Programmers wanting to learn Rust
Rating: 3
Reviewer: Mike James
Rust is the language we all want to learn at the moment so this is just in time.

Professional C++, 5th Ed (Wrox)

Author: Marc Gregoire
Publisher: Wrox
Date: February 2021
Pages: 1312
ISBN: 978-1119695400
Print: 1119695406
Audience: C++ developers
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Mike James

Professional C++? Who wants to be unprofessional?

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