Practical Julia: A Hands-On Introduction for Scientific Minds (No Starch)
Monday, 06 November 2023

This book is a comprehensive introduction to the language, making it accessible even if you’re new to programming. Lee Phillips dives in with a thorough guide to Julia’s syntax, data types, and best practices, then moves on to craft solutions for challenges in physics, statistics, biology, mathematics, and scientific machine learning. Whether you’re solving computational problems, visualizing data, writing simulations, or developing specialized tools, this book will show you how.

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Author: Lee Phillips
Publisher: No Starch
Date: October 2023
Pages: 528
ISBN: 978-1718502765
Print: 1718502761
Kindle: B0B7R1QGRY
Audience: Developers interested in Julia
Level: Intermediate
Category: Other Languages

Topics include

  • Use comprehensions and generators, higher-level functions, array initialization and manipulation, and perform operations on Unicode text
  • Create new syntax and generate code with metaprogramming and macros, and control the error system to manipulate program execution
  • Visualize everything from mathematical constructs and experimental designs to algorithm flowcharts
  • Elevate performance using Julia’s unique type system with multiple dispatch
  • Delve into scientific packages tailored for diverse fields like fluid dynamics, agent-based modeling, and image processing


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Data Structures & Algorithms in Python

Author: Dr. John Canning, Alan Broder and Robert Lafore
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Date: October 2022
Pages: 928
Print: 013485568X
Kindle: B0B1WJF1K9
Audience: Python developers
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Mike James
Data structures in Python - a good idea!

Pro SQL Server 2019 Administration

Author: Peter Carter
Publisher: Apress
Pages: 940
ISBN: 978-1484250884
Print: 1484250885
Kindle: B07ZC1XC9Z
Audience: SQL Server DBAs
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

Administering SQL Server can seem like a dark art; this book aims to make it more transparent.

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