Your Business Will Get Hacked (Prominence Publishing)
Friday, 24 November 2023

This book, subtitled "17 Experts Share How to Self-Assess and Prepare for the Worst" sets out the case that you will get hacked. Through real-life stories of cyberattacks, data breaches, and digital threats, Chris Wiser and a group of IT and security experts expose the dangers and high costs of inadequate cybersecurity to show how businesses just like yours suffered catastrophic losses from ransomware, phishing, wire fraud, and more.


The book looks at why cybercrime is exponentially rising, the most vulnerable industries, and how AI is making threats even more sophisticated. It also provides practical steps to protect your company.

Author: Chris Wiser et al
Publisher: Prominence Publishing
Date: November 2023
Pages: 338
ISBN: 978-1990830419
Print: 1990830412
Kindle: B0CMPJ5SD2
Audience: General
Level: Introductory/Intermediate

Topics include:

  • Will You Lose It All? by Andrew Morrison
  • 7 Reasons Why You Need Cybersecurity for Your Business by Ben M. Johnson
  • How You Can Keep Your Business Safe Online and Off by Damon Watford
  • How Your Business Can Identify Risks & Be Less Vulnerable to Hackers by Dave Brewer
  • Why Your Business Is a Target for Hackers by David Jordan
  • How Your Business Can Stay Safe and HIPAA Compliant by Isaac Koenig
  • The Imperative of Safety and Security in Social Media for Businesses by Jesse Pearson
  • Unleashing Chaos: The Cybersecurity Risks of Artificial Intelligence by Jim Reichard
  • The Economic Impact on a Business When You’re Hacked by John Hansman
  • Real-Life Hack Story: Is Your Business in Danger? by Jon Fausz
  • The Top 5 Industries at Risk of Cyber Crime by Kelly Mortensen
  • The Truth About Hackers: What You Need to Know by Raffi Jamgotchian
  • Can You Prevent Your Business from Being Hacked? by Steven Giacoppo
  • AI and the Transformation of Cybersecurity by Todd Thorson
  • Can Artificial Intelligence Be Used to Hack Your Business? by Tom Wyant
  • Why the Cloud Is More Dangerous Than You Think by Emily Lugo
  • Learn from Others’ Mistakes: Why Your Business Needs to Embrace Cybersecurity Now by Donovan Huff

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Book Watch is I Programmer's listing of new books and is compiled using publishers' publicity material. It is not to be read as a review where we provide an independent assessment. Some, but by no means all, of the books in Book Watch are eventually reviewed.

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Software Development Pearls

Author: Karl Wiegers
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Pages: 336
ISBN: 978-0137487776
Print: 0137487770
Kindle: B09BF6CS9T
Audience: General developers
Rating: 2
Reviewer: Ian Elliot
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Modern Fortran

Author: Milan Curcic
Publisher: Manning
Date: November 2020
Pages: 416
ISBN: 978-1617295287
Print: 1617295280
Audience: Fortran programmers
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Mike James
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