The Complete Developer (No Starch Press)
Monday, 15 April 2024

With the subtitle, "Master the Full Stack with TypeScript, React, Next.js, MongoDB, and Docker" this book is a  hands-on, beginner-friendly approach to developing complete web applications from the ground up, using JavaScript and its most popular frameworks. Martin Krause goes from a React-driven frontend to a fully fleshed-out backend with Mongoose, MongoDB, and a complete set of REST and GraphQL APIs, and back again through the whole Next.js stack.

<ASIN:1718503288 >

The book’s step-by-step recipes show how to build a web server with Express.js, create custom API routes, deploy applications via self-contained microservices, and add a reactive, component-based UI.

Author: Martin Krause
Publisher: No Starch Press
Date: March 2024
Pages: 344
ISBN: 978-1718503281
Print: 1718503288
Kindle: B0BZH15BDB
Audience: JavaScript developers
Level: Intermediate
Category: JavaScript

Topics covered:

  • Work with modern JavaScript syntax, TypeScript, and the Next.js framework
  • Simplify UI development with the React library
  • Extend your application with REST and GraphQL APIs
  • Manage your data with the MongoDB NoSQL database
  • Use OAuth to simplify user management, authentication, and authorization
  • Automate testing with Jest, test-driven development, stubs, mocks, and fakes

For recommendations of JavaScript books see JavaScript Beginners Book Choice and Advanced JavaScript Book Choices in our Programmer's Bookshelf section.


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Quick Start Guide to Large Language Models

Author:  Sinan Ozdemir
Publisher:  Addison-Wesley
Pages: 288
ISBN: 978-0138199197
Print: 0138199191
Audience: LLM Beginners
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Mike James
We all want to know about LLMs, but how deep should you go?

Driving Value With Sprint Goals

Author: Maarten Dalmijn
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9780137381920
Print: 0137381921
Audience: Scrum developers
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

Over the years I've read a lot of books about agile development and Scrum, and most concentrate on the methodology rather tha [ ... ]

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