Learn Rust in a Month of Lunches (Manning)
Wednesday, 17 April 2024

This book shows how to write fast and safe Rust code through lessons you can fit in your lunch break. Dave MacLeod provides explanations and focused, relevant examples to make it accessible, even if you’re learning Rust as your first programming language, and covers the use of Rust for purposes from system programming, to web applications, and games.

<ASIN: 1633438236>


Author: Dave MacLeod
Publisher: Manning
Date: March 2024
Pages: 568
ISBN: 978-1633438231
Print: 1633438236
Kindle: ‎ B0CVNPLZ29
Audience: Rust developers
Level: Introductory/Intermediate
Category: Other Languages


Topics covered:

  • Build real software in Rust
  • Understand messages from the compiler and Clippy, Rust’s coding coach
  • Make informed decisions on the right types to use in any context
  • Make sense of the Rust standard library and its commonly used items
  • Use external Rust “crates” (libraries) for common tasks
  • Comment and build documentation for your Rust code
  • Work with crates that use async Rust
  • Write simple declarative macros
  • Explore test driven development in Rust

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Book Watch is I Programmer's listing of new books and is compiled using publishers' publicity material. It is not to be read as a review where we provide an independent assessment. Some, but by no means all, of the books in Book Watch are eventually reviewed.

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Wild West To Agile (Addison-Wesley)

Author: Jim Highsmith
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Pages: 304
ISBN: 978-0137961009
Print: 0137961006
Kindle: B0BXWP88KP
Audience: Adherents of Agile methodology
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Alex Denham

The subtitle of this book is Adventures in Software Development Evolution and Revolution and it is personal reminin [ ... ]

Python Programming and Visualization for Scientists 2nd Ed

Author: Alex DeCaria and Grant Petty
Publisher: Sundog Publishing
Pages: 372
ISBN: 978-0972903356
Print: 0972903356
Audience: Scientists wanting to use Python
Rating: 2
Reviewer: Mike James
Visualization - a difficult topic and difficult to see how to explain the ideas in a book.

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