Test-Driven React 2nd Ed (Pragmatic)
Monday, 25 November 2024

This book shows how to turn React project requirements into tests and get fast feedback. Trevor Burnham looks at how to combine the power of testing, linting, and typechecking directly in coding environments to iterate on React components. He argues that React has opened the door to a new generation of web testing: clear, expressive, and lightning fast, making React a perfect fit for test-driven development (TDD).  This second edition has been extensively revised to reflect the latest tools and techniques for React development, including TypeScript.



Author: Trevor Burnham
Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf
Date: October 2024
Pages: 174
ISBN: 978-8888650653
Print: B0D94PRP9F
Audience: React developers
Level: Intermediate
Category: JavaScript


Topics include:

  • Write fast, easy-to-understand tests with Vitest and React Testing Library.
  • Keep your code tidy with ESLint and Prettier.
  • Perform every task you need from a single window within VS Code.
  • See your test output directly in your code with Wallaby.
  • Style components in a test-friendly way with styled-components.
  • Stay focused on what's important by running your tests continuously in the background.
  • Generate beautiful documentation with Storybook, and update it on every commit with GitHub Actions.

For recommendations of JavaScript books see JavaScript Beginners Book Choice and Advanced JavaScript Book Choices in our Programmer's Bookshelf section.

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Oracle PL/SQL By Example, 6th Ed

Author: Elena Rakhimov
Publisher: Oracle Press
Pages: 480
ISBN: 978-0138062835
Print: 0138062838
Audience: Developers interested in Oracle PL/SQL
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

This is the sixth edition of a well established title that has been updated for the latest version of PL/SQL (21c).

The Road to Azure Cost Governance

Author: Paola E. Annis et al
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Pages: 314
ISBN: 978-1803246444
Print: 1803246448
Kindle: B09NW2CTHX
Audience: Bill payers
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Ian Stirk

This book aims to help you reduce your Azure costs, how does it fare?

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