The Hundred-Page Language Models Book (True Positive )
Monday, 03 February 2025

This book by Andriy Burkov is the PyTorch follow-up to his bestselling The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book. This book offers a concise yet thorough journey from language modeling fundamentals to the cutting edge of modern Large Language Models (LLMs). Written in a hands-on style with working Python code examples, this book progressively builds understanding from basic machine learning concepts to advanced language model architectures. All code examples run on Google Colab, making it accessible to anyone with a modern laptop.

<ASIN:1778042724 >


Author: Andriy Burkov
Publisher: True Positive Inc.
Date: January 2025
Pages: 156
ISBN: 978-1778042720
Print: 1778042724
Kindle: ‎ B0DT413SKG
Audience: Developers interested in AI
Level: Introductory/Intermediate
Category: Artificial Intelligence


Topics include:

  • Master the mathematical foundations of modern machine learning and neural networks
  • Build and train three architectures of language models in Python
  • Understand and code a Transformer language model from scratch in PyTorch
  • Work with LLMs, including instruction finetuning and prompt engineering

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Book Watch is I Programmer's listing of new books and is compiled using publishers' publicity material. It is not to be read as a review where we provide an independent assessment. Some, but by no means all, of the books in Book Watch are eventually reviewed.

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Python All-in-One, 3rd Ed (For Dummies)

Authors: John Shovic and Alan Simpson
Publisher: For Dummies
Date: April 2024
Pages: 720
ISBN: 978-1394236152
Print: 1394236158
Kindle: B0CW1C834N
Audience: People wanting to learn Python
Rating: 2
Reviewer: Mike James
All-in-one refers to the fact that this is seven books put together - why?

Python Programming and Visualization for Scientists 2nd Ed

Author: Alex DeCaria and Grant Petty
Publisher: Sundog Publishing
Pages: 372
ISBN: 978-0972903356
Print: 0972903356
Audience: Scientists wanting to use Python
Rating: 2
Reviewer: Mike James
Visualization - a difficult topic and difficult to see how to explain the ideas in a book.

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