June Week 5
Written by Editor   
Saturday, 04 July 2020

Our weekly digest lists the week's news, new titles added to our Book Watch Archive and our weekly book review. This week's featured articles are an extract from Ian Elliot's JavaScript Graphics book and another chapter of Deep C# by Mike James.

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 June 25 - July 1, 2020

Featured Articles

JavaScript Canvas - Introduction To Bitmaps
Ian Elliot
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Canvas lets you work with bitmaps as well as generate custom drawings. In this extract from a chapter in my new book on JavaScript Graphics we look at the basics of how to transfer bitmaps to Canvas.

The LINQ Principle
Mike James
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LINQ isn’t just for SQL, it's for languages. Find out how LINQ works at the most basic level and how it can be useful as a general language construct even if you aren't using a database.



How To Teach Computer Science - It's The Programming Stupid
01 Jul | Mike James
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A new article in ACM Inroads describes all that is wrong with secondary school level CS education. Many of us outsiders probably knew this all along.

App Inventor Under Scrutiny
01 Jul | Sue Gee
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An analysis of almost ninety thousand App Inventor Projects reveals that while some reach over 60,000 blocks most are comparatively modest. Compared to Scratch projects, those based on App Inventor lack loops and conditionals and are predominantly event driven. 

Meteoric Growth of Jakarta EE
30 Jun | Janet Swift
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The results of the Eclipse Foundation's 2020 Jakarta EE Developer Survey shows significantly increased growth in the use of Jakarta EE 8 and interest in cloud-native Java overall.

GitHub Introduces Super Linter
30 Jun | Kay Ewbank
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GutHub has released Super Linter, with the intention of making it easier to prevent broken code getting into your master branches.

Prepare For AWS Certification On FutureLearn
29 Jun | Sue Gee
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A  new microcredential program at postgraduate level will run for the first time in July on the FutureLearn platform. Created in collaboration with Amazon’s AWS Academy, it prepares students to sit the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification – the price of which is included in the cost of the course. 

Apache Hudi Achieves Top Level Status
29 Jun | Kay Ewbank
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Apache Hudi has been adopted as a top-level project. The open source data lake technology for stream processing on top of Apache Hadoop is already being used at organizations including Alibaba, Tencent, and Uber, and is supported as part of Amazon EMR by AWS.

Drones Learn To Do Acrobatics
28 Jun | Harry Fairhead
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While we are well passed "peak drone" as far as news goes, there is still the occasional new development that can make you sit up and take notice. Drones that do acrobatics - nothing new - but drones that learn to do acrobatics is another matter. 

Why Outsource Mobile App Development
26 Jun | Kaley D. Spenser
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Outsourcing mobile development is an obvious solution for those companies that need to build an app. Here are six good reasons to convince them to do so. 

Practical Math for Frontend Developers
26 Jun | Nikos Vaggalis
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This course raises the eternal question about the relation between programming math. "Do I need Math to become a Programmer?" Let's find out! 

ESLint Adds ES2020 Support
25 Jun | Ian Elliot
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The open source JavaScript linting utility ESLint has been updated with a major new version followed by a couple of minor updates. ESLint 7 adds support for ES2020, removes support for Node.js version 8, and has a number of improvements to the developer experience.

Gnome Foundation Settles Lawsuit
25 Jun | Kay Ewbank
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The GNOME Foundation has settled its lawsuit with Leigh M Rothschild and Rothschild Patent Imaging. Rothschild Patent Imaging agreed that, for all of their patents and future patents, they will not sue any user or developer of software under an Open Source Initiative-approved license (and their updated versions).


Books of the Week

Added to Book Watch   

Full Review     

  • Securing SQL Server (Apress)
    Reviewed by Kay Ewbank who gave a full 5-star rating to this book by Peter Carter, concluding:
    If you write programs that interact with SQL Server, this is a book you ought to read. It explains the subject well, and the chapters on the individual attack types make for useful (if worrying) reading.



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Last Updated ( Saturday, 04 July 2020 )