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December 16 - 22, 2021
Featured Articles
Programming News and Views
Hash Code - Cannabis Use Among Programmers 22 Dec | Lucy Black
A survey of cannabis use by programmers reveals that over a third had tried programming while using cannabis and almost one in five do so at least once a month, motivated by perceived enhancement to their ability to get into a programming zone.
Micronaut 3. 2 Released for More Performant Microservices 22 Dec | Nikos Vaggalis
Micronaut, the JVM-based polyglot framework for building microservices applications in Java, Kotlin and Groovy has reached version 3. 2. Before we look at what's new, let's first take a look at what the framework does differently.
Ruby On Rails 7 Moves To No-Node Default 21 Dec | Kay Ewbank
Ruby on Rails has been updated to version 7 with major improvements that the developers say is the fulfillment of a vision to present a truly full-stack approach to web development that tackles both the front- and back-end challenges with equal vigor.
Wing Python Improves Async Handling 21 Dec | Alex Denham
Wing Python has been updated with improvements including better debug stepping & exception handling in async coroutines & generators and better debugging, analysis and project creation for Django.
Go 1.18 Beta Released With Generics 20 Dec | Kay Ewbank
The first preview of Go 1.18 has been released with new support for generic code using parameterized types. The developers say generics are the most significant change to Go since the release of Go 1, and the largest single language change they’ve ever made.
Apple Releases Swift Playgrounds 4 20 Dec | Alex Denham
Apple has released Swift Playgrounds 4. Playgrounds is an app for iPad and Mac designed to help people learn to code and build iOS apps using Swift, Apple's language that was originally developed as an alternative language to Objective C.
Random Gifts For Programmers 19 Dec | Lucy Black
Not really random. Not even pseudo random, more stuff that caught my attention and that I, for one, would like to be given. And, yes, if I'm not given them, I'd probably buy some of these.
Deno Joins ECMA 17 Dec | Kay Ewbank
Deno, the company behind the JavaScript and TypeScript runtime developed by the creator of Node.js, has joined the TC39 group of EMCA International, the standards organization that is responsible for the JavaScript standard.
What's the Best Way to Effectively Monitor a Kubernetes Cluster? 17 Dec | Austin Dease
Kubernetes provides an efficient, robust, and feature-rich platform to orchestrate containers at any scale. However, if not managed properly, Kubernetes can easily become unwieldy regardless of whether you are using a managed or a self-hosted Kubernetes cluster. We look at some of the tools and services that are available for Kubernetes monitoring.
Professional Open Source Software Management 16 Dec | Nikos Vaggalis
The OSS Good Governance Handbook is intended as guide for enterprises that fosters proper use of open source software as well as safeguarding businesses from technical, legal and IP threats.
New Modules For Azure SDK For Go 16 Dec | Kay Ewbank
Microsoft has announced new modules for the Azure SDK Resource Management Libraries for JavaScript and Go. The modules are designed to provide an improved developer experience, and are grouped into management and client modules.
Books of the Week
If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a small source of revenue that enables us to continue posting.
Full Review
Ian Elliot concludes his review:
This is a really good book, but it isn't essential reading for every JavaScript programmer. It is more suited to the experimenter and the existing assembly language programmer wanting to try out new ideas. Unlike many of the books out there this one actually has some technical content, but it might be too technical for many readers - this is a failure of the reader rather than the book.
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From the I Programmer Library
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Programmers think differently from non-programmers, they see and solve problems in a way that the rest of the world doesn't. In this book Mike James takes programming concepts and explains what the skill involves and how a programmer goes about it. In each case, Mike looks at how we convert a dynamic process into a static text that can be understood by other programmers and put into action by a computer. If you're a programmer, his intent is to give you a clearer understanding of what you do so you value it even more.
Deep C#: Dive Into Modern C# by Mike James
 In Deep C#, I Programmer's Mike James, who has programmed in C# since its launch in 2000, provides a “deep dive” into various topics that are important or central to the language at a level that will suit the majority of C# programmers. Not everything will be new to any given reader, but by exploring the motivation behind key concepts, which is so often ignored in the documentation, the intention is to be thought-provoking and to give developers confidence to exploit C#’s wide range of features.
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