SIGGRAPH 2019 Kicks Off
Written by David Conrad   
Sunday, 28 July 2019

Siggraph 2019 started today and runs to August 1st. No doubt there will be some interesting things to look at. Here is a preview of what is on offer.


SIGGRAPH is the world's best graphics conference and it is difficult to keep up with all of the different things that happen there. If you want to see the sorts of things that are going to be discussed, check out the video of this year's technical papers and watch out for the melting bunny:


I don't know about you, but I'm ordering some ferro fluid and some electromagnets - it looks fun.

A broader overview can be had from this year's preview video, but personally I found the technical papers more interesting:



The emerging technolgy video is also worth a look, but I don't think all of these are going to emerge at all quickly - I'm thinking of the artifical tail here! Keep your finger on the pause button it all goes past too fast:



More as Siggraph progresses.



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Last Updated ( Sunday, 28 July 2019 )