SIGGRAPH ASIA 2020 -The Trailer
Written by Mike James   
Wednesday, 04 November 2020

SIGGRAPH ASIA is increasingly important and this year it is running 4-13 December - but as an online event. This means more of us can join in. See the technical paper video - you won't regret the time spent.

According to Jinny HyeJin Choo. the SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 Conference Chair@

"The decision for SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 to go virtual has not been an easy one, but we came to a common consensus that it was necessary in this current climate. The theme for this year’s SIGGRAPH Asia ‘Driving Diversity’ will take on a new meaning as we give our diverse group of worldwide technical and artistic contributors the opportunity to connect with and inspire new communities."

Despite being online, the event isn't free. The regular ticket rate for a basic attendee is $125, with various discounts for students and early bird bookers. If you want to "attend" all of the sessions then you need to spend $375. How do you feel about the cost of a virtual conference? Without the bricks and mortar, the tea and coffee and the opportunity to network face to face, it feels like a lot when you don't get the experience of "being there".  Of course, someone has to organize it, but the presentations are free and this raises many of the same questions that paid-for journals, full of grant-funded research presented for free, do. Perhaps we have to think about this more deeply.

However putting such niggles aside, the technical papers trailer is as good as in previous years:

I have to admit that I had to watch it more than once to follow everything. My favourite has to be the morphing dogs, closely followed by the cloud simulations.


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 04 November 2020 )