NetAdvantage Ultimate 2012
Written by Alex Denham   
Friday, 26 October 2012

The latest development tools collection from Infragistics has been released. with support for Touch and business intelligence capabilities.

Infragistics has released NetAdvantage Ultimate 2012 Volume 2, a collection of controls for creating business applications. New in this release is NUCLiOS, a UI toolkit for iPad development. The collection also includes an Android Community Pack named Iguana.


Other improvements to the new version include the addition of data visualization data chart and geospacial mapping controls in NetAdvantage for jQuery, which has been renamed Ignite UI.

The support for Windows UI theming and Touch gestures has been added across Infragistics HTML5/jQuery, XAML, ASP.NET, and Windows Forms toolsets, and native and cross platform mobile features have been improved. The grids and charts for jQuery, XAML and ASP.NET have been improved. Finally, support for the changes to Visual Studio 2012 is included making Ultimate ready to start work with Windows 8


A complete list of new features and a link to download a free trial is on the NetAdvantage Ultimate page.

More Information

Infragistics NetAdvantage Ultimate

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