#BoycottApple on Google+
Written by Sue Gee   
Sunday, 01 July 2012

There's a swelling protest on Google+ today in response to the ruling in the Apple v Samsung Galaxy Nexus lawsuit that banned Samsung from selling its Galaxy Nexus smartphone in the United States.

Put simply people are angry that Apple should be using patents in a away that makes it look like a patent troll just out to control the market by taking the competition down with legal action based on questionable patents.

The topic #BoycottApple that is currently trending on Google+ has produced a lot of original and witty comments - and hardly anybody arguing on behalf of Apple - which isn't surprising given the choice of Google+ for this stream.

Or perhaps that should read "torrent" - it's almost impossible to read or view any single item as items get pushed down the list, but here are just a few of the posts that caught my attention. The first suggests that Apple's iPhone copied design features from an earlier Samsung model?

Who would have imagined such a thing?




This one is a reminder that Apple's lawyers are an integral part of its team and do tend to be kept busy: see Patent Wars




When we reproduce  charts we normally include details such as date of survey and sample size but we'll make an exception for this one.




And the whole message is encapsulated in this graphic.



Get it? Boy + Cot + Apple.


If you want to join the debate just click the above graphic.

If you want to know why you should boycott Apple, or rather why now as there are plenty more reasons we could come up with, read: Apple v Samsung Galaxy Nexus: A Programmer Reads the Patents.

More Information

Google+ #BoycottApple

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 01 July 2012 )