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# Article Title
301 New jQuery Betas Released
302 The Magic Of N-Body Solutions
303 Java, ASM.js Or Native - Which Is Faster?
304 Verbal Expressions Are Easier Than Regular Ones
305 Zen Photon Garden
306 Chance - Your All-Purpose JavaScript Data Generator
307 TypeScript 0.9 Released
308 Clippy Lives! This Time In JavaScript
309 Brendan Eich Has Seen The Future - Video Streaming Using Just JavaScript
310 Task.js Asynchronous Tasks In JavaScript
311 TraceGL - An Oscilloscope For Code
312 JavaScript Physics Playground
313 jQuery 2.0 Leaves Behind Older IE Browsers
314 JS1K 2013 Amazing 1K JavaScript Programs
315 Firefox Runs JavaScript Games At Native Speed
316 Tearable Cloth In JavaScript
317 Microsoft Office Apps With JavaScript
318 Go Beyond Responsive Design With JavaScript Capturing
319 Grunt 0.4.0 The JavaScript Task Runner
320 WebStorm 6.0 Released
321 CoffeeScript Supports Literate Programming
322 JavaScript Assembly Language
323 QUnit Javascript Unit Tester Released
324 JavaScript to be the Default Language for Gnome
325 JavaScript Comes to Minecraft
326 New jQuery Releases
327 Crockford On Monads And Gonads
328 Nashorn A New JVM JavaScript
329 Shumway - Mozilla's JavaScript Flash Player
330 JavaScript Your Way - Sweet.js Macros
331 Yahoo YUI JavaScript Framework Updated
332 Google's Octane - New JavaScript Benchmark
333 Prototype 1.7.1 Released
334 Does Your JavaScript Leak? Introducing Google Leak Finder
335 Google Doodle Hurdles Towards Social Success
336 JavaScript The Evil Parts - You Can't Maintain It
337 Mozilla Gladius Game Engine Reaches V0.1
338 Speech Synthesizer in 1K of JavaScript
339 Tetris In 140 Bytes
340 Pit - F# to JavaScript Compiler
341 Ray Tracer in JavaScript
342 Node.js - Now With Added Windows
343 JavaScript JVM runs Java
344 jQuery 1.7 Introduces On/Off Switch
345 JavaScript Programming Style and Your Brain
346 River Trail - Intel's parallel JavaScript
347 JavaScript debugging tools move forward
348 jQuery Top JavaScript Framework
349 JavaScript used to teach computing
350 Microsoft wants JavaScript on the server
351 Crockford on JavaScript at Velocity 2011
352 JavaScript renders PDF
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