Android Outstrips Apple ...
Written by Janet Swift   
Wednesday, 26 August 2015

... on almost every count. The one where Apple still wins is in terms of developer revenue, but perhaps that doesn't really matter so much. 


We have recognised that The Future Is Android for a long time already but statistics from various sources enable us to quantify it better.

The latest prediction for smartphones from IDC is that  Android shipments will top 1.15 billion this year, giving it 79.4% of the entire smartphone market. iPhone shipments are predicted to reach 237 million for 2015, which puts the iPhone at 16.4% of the market. Put it another way, Android is outselling the iPhone nearly five to one.

What is perhaps more surprising is that a similar ratio applies to tablets, a market that the Apple used to dominate with the iPad as revealed in this recent Tech Chart of the Day. Apple has now 17% of Global Tablet shipments with Samsung and Other combining to give Android almost all of the remaining 83%.

According to App Annie the Google Play Store worldwide downloads in the second quarter of 2015 were approximately 85 percent higher than those from Appleā€™s App Store but even so the App Store continued to lead Google Play in revenue - a 45% shortfall for Play revenue compared to the App Store.


The obvious response to this state of affairs is to create apps for both these platforms and the recent Developer Economics report from Vision Mobile shows that this is what actually happens:



Based on a survey of more than 13,000 respondents encompassing both professionals and those working on apps as a hobby or side project. the latest State of the Developer Nation states:

The average games develop build apps for 2.6 platforms, for non-games developers it's 2.2. 

The chart above indicates that 37% of all mobile developers target both iOS and Android, while only 28% of Android devs and 12% of iOS devs are exclusive to their primary platform.   

The chart also shows that there are more Android developers than iOS ones in a ratio around 7:5. So again Android dominates and is likely to continue to be "on the up"




More Information

Developer Economics State of the Developer Nation Q3 2015

App Annie Index: Market Q2 2015 

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Android Dominates In Tablet Market

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 26 August 2015 )