JetBrains Data Science IDE Now Open To All
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Monday, 20 September 2021

JetBrains is opening up its new IDE for data scientists so anyone can try it out. Until now its only been available for invites to a private early access program. 

The announcement of the public access to DataSpell means that anyone who's been waiting for an invite should now receive one, and that everyone else can now download EAP builds from the JetBrains DataSpell’s website without registration.


Asreported when it was announced, DataSpell claims to offer:

"a productive developer environment for data science professionals who are actively involved in exploratory data analysis and prototyping machine learning models."

The less restrictive release has been updated to make it more usable, particularly for Jupyter notebooks. It is now possible to collapse individual outputs via both shortcut and mouse, and scrolling of notebooks has been improved. Table outputs now have dedicated actions to open data in separate editor tabs.

Remote notebook support is another area to have been improved. JetBrains DataSpell lets users work with notebooks running on remote servers; this has changed from an experimental feature in the private EAP, into one that is available out of the box, and the team plans to make more improvements going forward.

Another area to be improved is the interactive Python console. When dataframes and charts are evaluated in the Python console, their interactive outputs now appear inside it. The team points out that:

"Exploratory data analysis is not limited to Jupyter notebooks and often can be done via Python scripts. The interactive Python console is a great tool for that, and we will continue to improve it."


DataSpell is available now. 


More Information

DataSpell Website

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