Imagine Cup Winners 2014
Written by Sue Gee   
Saturday, 09 August 2014

The finals of the Imagine Cup were recently held in Seattle attended by 34 teams, 125 students in all, representing 34 countries. Winners of the Imagine Cup, Team Eyenaemia will be meeting with Bill Gates in the next couple of months to get his advice on their project which detects anemia with a selfie.


This Channel 9 wrap-up video captures some of the excitement of the awards ceremony and we get to see, but not hear, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on stage.



The award ceremony was attended by an audience of 5,000 students, judges, partners and Microsoft employees. In addition to the prize giving-ceremony to the teams that came 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each of the three categories the event also saw the final competition for one team to become the Imagine Cup World Champion. This took the form of a short question and answer session with the questions coming from the three VIP judges Satya Nadella, Hadi Partovi and Erik Martin.

Watch this video if you want to see more of the finals event, including the live on stage competition between the three winning teams .



While the judges had a break to make their decision Bill Gates appears with a short recorded message (it's around the 1:00:00 mark) 

The results and prizes for the three categories are as follows:


Games Category:

  • 1st Team Brainy Studio, Russia, Project: TurnOn
    $50,000 prize and PAX Boot Camp

  • 2nd Team Bomon, Korea, Project: Under Bed

  • 3rd Team Illogic, Egypt, Project: Puppy in Bubble

Winners Brainy Studio used the Unity Games engine in an adventure featuring an electrical spark and a conservation message.



Innovation Category:

  • 1st Team Estimeet, New Zealand, Project - Estimeet
    $50,000 prize and Microsoft Ventures Boot Camp

  • 2nd Team Tep, Hungary, Project: Tep

  • 3rd Team Butterfly, Bahrain, Project: Nail Polish Mixer

Estimeet is a mobile app that solves the problem of friends who are always late and never reply by showing your friends’ distance and estimated time of arrival from the meeting location as well as whether they are on their way.




World Citizenship Category: 

  • 1st Team Eyenaemia, Australia, Project: Eyenaemia
    $50,000 prize and Microsoft YouthSpark Boot Camp

  • 2nd Team SMART crew, Taiwan, Project: Versatility of Usens: From Lab to Life

  • 3rd Team Access Earth, Ireland, Project: Access Earth

Eyenaemia is a screening tool for anemia that simply means taking a selfie while holding a color chart. It comes from a team of two medical students, Jennifer Tang (responsible for interface design) and Jarrel Seah (software developer). After this simple procedure the app calculates the risk of anaemia, which affects two billion people around the world, using Azure to have the risk assessment sent back to the phone. Team Eyenaemia has already obtained National Health and Medical Research Centre (NHMRC) approval to conduct a research project collecting real patient data to develop the model.



As well as winning the World Citizenship category Team Eyenaemia was also awarded the 2014 Imagine Cup.





More Information

Imagine Cup Website

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Last Updated ( Saturday, 09 August 2014 )