Top 10 From Around the Web: More About Python
Written by Alex Armstrong   
Tuesday, 28 November 2017

This round up of Python-related items gathered from bog posts and external websites indicates the versatility of this popular language and has tips both for beginners and for more experienced Python programmers. - Why Learn Python?

Python is a widely used, high-level programming language named after the famous British sketch comedy series . However, its reptilian namesake may be more fitting. Python is simple in its design, yet incredibly flexible and powerful. Looking for more of a technical definition? Okay, here is how the Python Software Foundation describes Python. - 18 New Must Read Books for Data Scientists on R and Python

Understanding machine learning and data science is easy. There are numerous open courses which you can take up right now and get started. But, acquiring in-depth knowledge of a subject requires extra effort. The confidence of questioning the logic comes from reading books. Here is a list of books on doing machine learning / data science in R and Python which I have come across in last one year. - Experiences in Using R and Python in Production

Python and R are some of the best open source tools for data science. They can be easily used for scripting and custom analysis but running them automatically as part of an online software requires more consideration. At, we've been using them both extensively. In this blog post, I will share some of our experiences of integrating them in production. - 7 Ways to Improve Your Python Performance

Python is really a language which has swept the scene in recent years in terms of popularity, elegance, and functionality. Research shows that 8 out 10 computer science departments in the U.S. now teach their introductory courses with Python, surpassing Java. - 20 Free Ebooks For Software Developers

Developing and programming software and applications is never an easy task, and sometimes you need a bit of help, whether it's for managing your workflow, refreshing your knowledge or learning a new programming language. We have compiled a list of 20 free ebooks that should definitely be of use to beginner software developers and programmers. - How to Build Your First Slack Bot with Python

Bots are a useful way to interact with chat services such as Slack. If you have never built a bot before, this post provides an easy starter tutorial for combining the Slack API with Python to create your first bot. We will walk through setting up your development environment, obtaining a Slack API bot token and coding our simple bot in Python. - I made a Python Script that Converts SVG to React?

I made a terrible thing Sunday night. The theme that I bought for the new React Indie Bundle page has decorations built with SVG. You slap them into the page as tags, and it makes your sections look nice. You're supposed to slap them into the page as tags. - Deploying Django + Python 3 + PostgreSQL to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

The following is a soup to nuts walkthrough of how to set up and deploy a Django application, powered by Python 3, and PostgreSQL to Amazon Web Services (AWS), all while remaining sane. - The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python!

This guide is opinionated in a way that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Python's official documentation. You won't find a list of every Python web framework available here. Rather, you'll find a nice concise list of highly recommended options. - Python Best Practices: 5 Tips For Better Code

Like most programming languages, Python offers an extremely powerful development platform to create some of the most useful and robust applications imaginable. Here are our thoughts on Python best practices to help you harness everything Python has to offer. Today we'll examine a few of the critical Python best practices used to create more professional, cleaner code.

From Our Partners

Are ETL Tools Still Relevant?

Nowadays, most companies’ existence, competitiveness and profitability depends on data flow. However, the variety of data sources, types, volumes and velocity has become somewhat out of control. Transporting and consolidating data from disparate sources takes too long. To achieve better results, companies are investing in cloud-based data pipelines and modern ETL solutions. Learn more about the top ETL tools and data integration solutions.


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Last Updated ( Monday, 27 November 2017 )