Jakarta EE 9 Specifications Released
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Monday, 14 December 2020

The Jakarta EE Working Group has announced that javax is now officially and finally renamed as jakarta with the release of the Jakarta EE 9 Platform and Web Profile specifications and related TCKs.

The announcement was made during the JakartaOne Livestream virtual conference, and the group said that the release

"provides a new baseline for the evolution and innovation of enterprise Java technologies under an open, vendor-neutral, community-driven process."

The move from Java EE to Jakarta EE was necessary because while Oracle handed over the open source version of Java to the Eclipse Foundation, it kept the names 'Java' and 'javax' and refused permission for their use.


Oracle is part of the Jakarta EE Working Group, and in response to the naming announcement, Tom Snyder, VP of engineering, Enterprise Cloud Native Java, said:

“Oracle joined the Jakarta EE Working Group to help create an open, vendor-neutral process for Enterprise Cloud Native Java standards, and our hopes have been realized. Jakarta EE 9 is the result of a broad collaboration across community members to create a platform for future innovation. Oracle will continue to support Jakarta EE technologies in Oracle WebLogic Server and in Helidon, and will continue to support the evolution of Jakarta EE technologies in the future.”

Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation, said:

“This simple namespace change belies the strategic importance of Jakarta EE 9 and what it means for the ongoing transition to cloud native enterprise Java.”

The Foundation says Jakarta EE 9 will let enterprise end users and enterprise software vendors migrate from older, previous versions to newer cloud native tools, products, and platforms.

The initial release doesn't include support for Java SE (Standard Edition) 11, the latest long-term support release of the standard Java platform. This will be added in a release in the next few weeks.

In addition to the release of the Jakarta EE 9 specifications, the Eclipse Foundation is announcing the certification of Eclipse GlassFish 6.0.0.


More Information

Jakarta EE Website

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The Jakarta EE Working Group has announced that Javax is now officially and finally renamed as Jakarta with the release of the Jakarta EE 9 Platform and Web Profile specifications and related TCKs.

The announcement was made during the JakartaOne Livestream virtual conference, and the group said that the release

"provides a new baseline for the evolution and innovation of enterprise Java technologies under an open, vendor-neutral, community-driven process."

The move from Java EE to Jakarta EE was necessary because while Oracle handed over the open source version of Java to the Eclipse Foundation, it kept the names 'Java' and 'javax' and refused permission for their use.


Oracle is part of the Jakarta EE Working Group, and in response to the naming announcement, Tom Snyder, VP of engineering, Enterprise Cloud Native Java, said:

“Oracle joined the Jakarta EE Working Group to help create an open, vendor-neutral process for Enterprise Cloud Native Java standards, and our hopes have been realized. Jakarta EE 9 is the result of a broad collaboration across community members to create a platform for future innovation. Oracle will continue to support Jakarta EE technologies in Oracle WebLogic Server and in Helidon, and will continue to support the evolution of Jakarta EE technologies in the future.”

Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation, said:

“This simple namespace change belies the strategic importance of Jakarta EE 9 and what it means for the ongoing transition to cloud native enterprise Java.”

The Foundation says Jakarta EE 9 will let enterprise end users and enterprise software vendors migrate from older, previous versions to newer cloud native tools, products, and platforms.

The initial release doesn't include support for Java SE (Standard Edition) 11, the latest long-term support release of the standard Java platform. This will be added in a release in the next few weeks.

In addition to the release of the Jakarta EE 9 specifications, the Eclipse Foundation is announcing the certification of Eclipse GlassFish 6.0.0.


More Information

Jakarta EE Website

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 15 December 2020 )