Access LLMs From IntelliJ With Devoxx Genie
Written by Nikos Vaggalis   
Tuesday, 02 July 2024

Devoxx Genie is a fully Java-based LLM Code Assistant plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, designed to integrate with local and cloud LLM providers.

On the battlefront of AI coding assistants , IntelliJ and VScode go face to face. As of this April and as described in "JetBrains Updates IDEs With AI Code Completion", JetBrains upgraded its range of IDEs with AI which includes full-line code autocompletion powered by locally run AI models.

Microsoft has not been left behind though. Its most recent addition was the AI Toolkit for Visual Studio Code, which enables you to download, test, fine-tune, and deploy AI models from Azure AI Studio and HuggingFace, locally or on the cloud.


Similarly Devoxx Genie, is designed to integrate with local LLM providers such as Ollama, LMStudio and GPT4All but also cloud based LLM's such as OpenAI, Anthropic, Mistral, Groq, Gemini and DeepInfra.

Adding it to IntelliJ you get aided in the reviewing, testing, and explaining of your project code, hence your development workflow is geting enhanced.

Its key features are:

  • 100% Java: An IDEA plugin using local and cloud based LLM models. Fully developed in Java using Langchain4J

  • Explain code using local and cloud-based LLM's.

  • Review and improve your code using local and cloud-based LLM's.

  • Generate unit tests for your code using local and cloud-based LLM's.

  • Supports highlighting of code blocks.

  • Supports chat conversations with configurable memory size.

  • Add files & code snippets to context: You can add open files to the chat window context for producing better answers or code snippets if you want to have a super focused window

  • LLM enabled Web Search: With support for Google and Tavily

You can install it from within IntelliJ IDEA under the menus Settings/Plugins/Marketplace. Enter 'Devoxx' to find the plugin

Or install it from source:
Clone the Github repository and build the plugin:

. /gradlew buildPlugin

Install the plugin from the build/distributions directory and
select file 'DevoxxGenie-X. Y. Z. zip'

Then make sure that you have Ollama, LMStudio or GPT4All running, or add API Keys for Cloud based LLM providers.

That's it! You can now start using the plugin to enhance your workflow!


More Information

Devoxx Genie on IntelliJ Marketplace

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 02 July 2024 )