New Java 7 Certification Exams
Written by Sue Gee   
Tuesday, 21 February 2012

The Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer  exam is now available. Candidates have two-and-a-half hours in which to tackle 90 questions and need to  score 75% to pass.

After a beta testing phase OCAJP exam is now fully released.

The topics for Exam 1Z0-803 Java SE Programmer 1 can be seen here and both online and classroom training is available through Oracle University. The exam costs $300 per attempt so you need to be properly prepared.




The Associate exam is now  a prerequisite for moving forward to gaining the Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 7 Programmer (OCPJP) certification. This the equivalent of the former Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) but as of Java 7 candidates have to pass two exams. The second exam, 1Z1-804 Java SE Programmer II OCPJP exam hasn't yet started beta testing and probably won't go live until mid-summer.

Candidates who want to tackle it as a beta exam can find details of its topics here.

There is also an upgrade route for holders of  any version of Oracle Certified Professional or any version of Sun Certified Java Programmer. The Upgrade to Java SE 7 Programmer Exam (1Z0-804) is currently in the post-beta review phase and while details of the number of questions, duration and pass mark have not yet been announced, it topics can be seen here.


More Information

Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 7 Programmer

Java SE 7 Programming (Training)


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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 21 February 2012 )