JavaOne Free to Students
Written by Alex Armstrong   
Tuesday, 26 August 2014

This year's JavaOne takes place in San Francisco from September 28 to October 2 and if you are a student you can attend if for free.



Taking place concurrently with Oracle Open World, JavaOne is the event at which Oracle and its partners present the latest in tools, technologies, and best practices for Java developers. As THE premier Java conference, it attracts speakers and attendees from all continents and offers all the Java content you could imagine:  Java security, Java 8, JVM languages, the cloud, Internet of Things, methodology, tools and more. Attending the conference will kick off your training for the year! It is also a renowned social event with evening events at which Java Devs network while listening and watching live performances.

Student registration passes are available at no cost to students taking a minimum of 6 units at a nonprofit institution of learning during the Fall 2014.  You must be at least 18 years old to participate.



The 3-day Student pass, includes Oracle OpenWorld and JavaOne keynotes and exhibition halls. Space permitting, students can also attend Oracle OpenWorld and JavaOne technical and Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions, hands-on labs, and tutorials.

To obtain a free pass a student needs to make a PDF copy of their current student identification card and 2014 fall class schedule and email to or 



More Information

JavaOne is Free For Students!

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Looking Forward to JavaOne


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Last Updated ( Thursday, 28 August 2014 )