Another Facebook movie - Catfish
Sunday, 22 August 2010

There is another Facebook movie - but this one is about the possible effects of using the new method of social interaction... make new friends, get to know them and...see the video and find out.


Facebook and other social sites are a  phenomenon of the connected age.

You don't exist if you don't have a Facebook page - but having a Facebook page doesn't mean you exist.


The potential for stalkers and generally unwelcome people to invade your personal space - or worse - is suddenly much greater because it is all so much easier.

We try to make things safer - like it used to be - but the genie is out of the bottle and all the security in the world isn't going to change the reality.

So in the week that Facebook announced its location service that will better help stalkers to locate exactly where you are and when - we have the trailer for Catfish.



Book reviews of interest

Facebook Me!

Friends with benefits

Facebook Marketing, 2nd Edition

Facebook: The Missing Manual

The Social Media Marketing Book

Web 2.0 and Social Networking for the Enterprise

The New Community Rules

SocialCorp: Social Media Goes Corporate

Building Social Web Applications


More Video Trailers

Facebook the movie trailer

The Social Network - new film about Facebook

Zooey Deschanel - Enchantress of Numbers

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 22 August 2010 )