Free Windows Phone 7 video training from Microsoft
Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Microsoft has published 12 one-hour videos that show you how to code for Windows Phone 7 - that's a lot of hours sitting watching code dry ....



You can now watch any of the 12 videos recorded at a recent presentation of Windows Phone 7 training. The lecturers are Rob Miles and Andy Wigley who are very British - which explains Microsoft's comment that

"content is based on Beta Windows Phone Developer Tools, we will not be localizing it."


Oh wait - no they don't mean the accents they mean..


"For our non-English speaking developers, we will be providing localized training once we have released the final developer tools."



Andy and Rob provide a good bit of mostly cringe-making humor and it's a good thing that you can drag the slider along to try to get to the real content. This is a standard problem with simply recording a video of a lecture - what works in real life can seem a drag when converted to video. The topics covered include application development and game development.

There are 12 sessions in total, each about 50 minutes in length.

Call me old-fashioned but I'd still prefer a good book or a web tutorial - the medium in this case gets you straight to the point and I can skim read faster than I can skim video. See Down with the Video Tutorial!

Further Reading

Getting started with Windows Phone 7

Mobile platforms of the world!

Windows 7 Phone - developer tools in beta


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 18 August 2010 )