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# Article Title
401 SQL Server 2012 SP1 CTP
402 Craigslist - SQL or NoSQL?
403 IBM Hot Data In A Flash
404 Genealogy of Relational Databases
405 Amazon RDS Adds Data Pump Support
406 PostgreSQL 9.2 Released
407 SQLFire - Speeds and Scales
408 MongoDB 2.2 Released
409 Perform Data Queries Faster With Drill
410 Book Stored On DNA - All Knowledge In Just 4gm of DNA
411 Oracle Making MySQL Less Open
412 Real-time Hadoop Analysis
413 Oracle offers route from SQL Server to MySQL
414 Voracious Bug in MySQL
415 Google Fusion Tables API
416 MemSQL - 80,000 queries per second
417 SQL Fiddle
418 Google's F1 - Scalable Alternative to MySQL
419 NoSQL Database OrientDB 1.0 Released
420 Performance enhancements in PostgreSQL 9.2
421 Cheaper SQL on Amazon EC2
422 FileMaker 12 for iPad and iPhone
423 Faster Apache CouchDB
424 Up and Running with LocalDB
425 Preview of MySQL 5.6.5
426 SQL Server 2012 and Second Preview for Hadoop for Azure
427 IBM DB2 10 Aims to Tame the Data Deluge
428 SQL Server 2012 Launched
429 First Stable Release of MariaDB 5.3 Series
430 MySQL Cluster 7.2 For Distributed Computing
431 HeidiSQL Reaches Version 7.0
432 Oracle Advanced Analytics for R
433 NoSQL Predicted To Grow in 2012
434 PostgreSQL Plus Cloud Database
435 New Release of Oracle's TimesTen
436 Date Set for SQL Server 2012 Launch
437 Amazon DynamoDB
438 DataFu for Pig and Hadoop
439 MySQL support in Oracle Database Firewall
440 Hadoop gets to 1.0
441 MINE - Finding Patterns in Big Data
442 Do you know where your data is?
443 GUI Tool Reveals SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
444 7.5 Million Euros Spent on Collective Intelligence
445 Microsoft Releases Juneau CTP4
446 Hadoop for Windows
447 First Release Candidate of SQL Server 2012
448 Google BigQuery Service
449 BigInsights now on IBM SmartCloud
450 SQL Server 2012 B I edition
451 Enterprise Edition of NoSQL ships
452 Cassandra 1.0 with Increased Performance
453 Announcements from PASS 2011
454 SQL Server 2008 SP 3
455 Google App Engine goes SQL
456 MySQL 5.6.3 Beta available for download
457 Oracle Unveils Exalytics for Business Intelligence
458 restSQL
459 Actian for Action Apps
460 New versions of Power software
461 Web apps still full of security holes
462 MySQL commercial extensions
463 Synchronous replication in Postgre SQL 9.1
464 Contest marks new release of Infinite Graph
465 Kinect app for navigating business software
466 Apex 4.1 released
467 New features for PostgreSQL database admins
468 SQL Express LocalDB - Expressly for developers
469 Percona steps in to save MySQL conference
470 New Hadoop connectors
471 Web-based Self-service Reporting
472 UnQL is SQL for NoSQL - new language, new Couchbase
473 What's coming in MySQL 5.6
474 SQL Server releases (Denali) available
475 NoSQL gaining popularity in enterprises
476 Probabilistic databases - the next big thing?
477 IBM Netezza - Data analysis in hardware
478 NoSQL CouchDB gets boost
479 Excel Analytics for Twitter
480 Cassandra with CQL
481 Faster SQL Server with BDD
482 IBM invests $100 million in big data R&D
483 Big improvements in phpMyAdmin 3.4.0
484 Elastic Data added to Oracle Coherence
485 MySQL 5.6 - more speed and scalability
486 .NET ORM Dapper released as open source
487 Drizzle the better alternative to MySQL
488 Knowledge Accelerator as Flagship Proposal
489 Free book on web mining
490 ScraperWiki sets data free Now with PDF support
491 MySQL 5.5 Now available
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