PostgreSQL Plus Cloud Database
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Tuesday, 07 February 2012

EnterpriseDB has ported its Postgres Plus to Amazon Web Services to create Postgres Plus Cloud Database.


PostgreSQL Plus Cloud Database is now available on Amazon Web Services (AWS), according to EnterpriseDB. The database is available as a cloud service based either on PostgreSQL or Postgres Plus Advanced Server, and will be charged at the same rate as Amazon’s Relational Database Service (RDS), which is based on MySQL. The Postgre service will also be available for use on HP Cloud Compute. The system is administered using a web interface with features such high availability, auto-provisioning, automated backups and automatic load balancing.



“Postgres Plus Cloud Database is the only solution on the market today that makes deploying new instances of PostgreSQL or Postgres Plus Advanced Server easy in any environment,” said Ed Boyajian, President and CEO of EnterpriseDB. Of course, whether this is something to boast about is another matter!

This video gives a Postgres Plus Could Database Tour in less than three minutes: 





More Information

Enterprise DB Cloud Database

Postgres Plus Cloud Database

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