Couchbase Adds Azure Support To Capella
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Couchbase has announced that Capella, the fully managed service version of its distributed NoSQL database that includes mobile and IoT application services, now supports Microsoft Azure. 

Couchbase is a distributed NoSQL cloud database that combines the properties of a distributed document database (JSON) with features of a traditional DBMS including distributed SQL, transactions, and ACID guarantees.


Capella was launced at the end of 2021 with support for AWS, and since then support has been added for GCP and now Azure. Customers using Capella on Google Cloud pay a fee to Google with one Capella credit costing $1. The new Azure service will be billed by Couchbase, though no further details of the pay per consumption model were given.

As well as the choice of AWS, GCP and Azure, Capella customers can also run hybrid models of self-managed clusters that sync data to Capella.App Services, which Couchbase describes as a fully managed backend designed for mobile, IoT, and edge apps. From a developer perspective, App Services can be used to access and sync data between Capella and edge devices, as well as to authenticate and manage app users.

Capella also comes with a better developer UI than the original launch version. The evolved UI has been changed to make key tools, workflows, and information easier for developers to find and use, with a layout inspired by GitHub and a Quick Start dashboard with links to the Query Workbench, Import and App Services tools, and to SDKs.

There's also a new storage engine, Magma, that is designed to be highly performant even with very large datasets that do not fit in memory. Couchbase says that Magma really shines when used for datasets that will not fit into available memory and that require maximum data compression.

Capella with support for Azure is available now. 


More Information

Couchbase Website

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 26 January 2023 )