Compelling New Features Required
Written by Alex Armstrong   
Sunday, 13 September 2015

This isn't just about JetBrains, but its recent action in changing to a subscription model fired up a cartoon on CubeDrone about what is missing in today's tool set.


It is not as if JetBrains was a genie who could grant all our wishes, but its catalog of tools does cover some clear and present targets. 

Check out Cube Drone's suggested list of wishes for a better world:


Visit Cube Drone for a high resolution version 
(cartoon used with permission of Cube Drone)

My guess is the one that resonates the most is the suggestion for PHPStorm. 

What would you add?

I will get the ball rolling with:

Get CLion to automatically take out all the clever bits in a C++ program - which is probably equivalent to "cross compile to C".




More Information

Cube Drone

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 13 September 2015 )