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# Article Title
101 Firefox Losing Share As Desktop Browser
102 Firefox Evolves Into A Full IDE
103 IE Developer Channel
104 Firefox 31 Beta Full Of New Developer Features
105 Firebug 2.0 Released
106 Box2D Benchmarks Show Everything Is Getting Faster
107 Windows Chrome 64-bit - Faster, Better More Stable
108 Safari On iOS8 Supports WebGL - The New Era Can Now Commence
109 Microsoft Makes Clear Where IE Is Going
110 Chrome 35 Released
111 The Firefox 29 Advantage
112 F12 Changes With Windows 8.1 Update
113 New Chrome Features
114 The Astonishing Progress Of Blink
115 Mozilla Pulls Plug on Firefox for Metro
116 Chrome V8 JavaScript - Ever Faster
117 Chrome Experiment Brings LEGO To The Browser
118 Chrome Mobile Uses Proxy For Data Compression
119 Mozilla's End of Year Fundraising
120 Mozilla Developer Network Redesign
121 Google Chrome Blocks Add-Ons
122 Win Pizza - But Only If You’re Quick
123 Lightbeam Shows Who’s Tracking You
124 Shumway - Flash In HTML5 Is Part Of Firefox
125 Chrome Drops Support For Plugins
126 Internet Explorer 11 Preview Updated
127 Chrome Apps Go Public
128 Browser Reliability Improves - Even For IE
129 Firefox 23 Released and 24 In Beta
130 IE 11 Developer Preview For Windows 7
131 Chrome 29 Beta Brings Video & Web Audio To Android
132 Firefox 23 Makes JavaScript Obligatory
133 Firefox 22 Released and 23 in Beta
134 It Is Official - IE 11 To Support WebGL
135 Opera Next 15 Released
136 Chrome 27 Released, Chrome 28 In Beta
137 Firefox 22 Beta Ready To Test
138 Firefox 21 Available For Download
139 Mozilla WebRTC Goes Mainstream
140 Blink - More Answers
141 Browser Split - Google And Opera Fork WebKit To Blink
142 Mozilla Builds Servo, a New Browser Engine
143 IE11 To Support WebGL?
144 Future Firefox Debugging
145 Which Browser Holds Sway?
146 IE10 Available for Windows 7 At Last!
147 Who Is Building WebKit?
148 Chrome Gets Desktop App Launcher
149 Opera Moving to WebKit
150 First Contact - Firefox & Chrome WebRTC
151 Help For Testing With Modern.IE
152 Chrome Native Client Goes ARM and Portable
153 New Android Chrome Beta Channel
154 New Browsers - Firefox 18 And Chrome 24
155 Firebug 1.11 Released
156 Mozilla Demos Realtime Sharing Features In Firefox
157 Firefox 18 Beta - Introducing IonMonkey
158 Opera 12.10 With Extension APIs
159 Remote Web Console For Firefox For Android
160 Contre Jour - A Touch Demo Game For IE10?
161 Firefox Gets A Social API - Why?
162 Mozilla Opens Firefox Marketplace - A Little
163 Chrome Native Debugger For Visual Studio
164 Firefox 16 Has Developer Goodies
165 Mozilla Persona - One Password For All Sites
166 Firefox 17 Available In Beta
167 Firefox 16 Goes Back To The Command Line
168 Firefox 15 Is Go Along With A New 3D Game Demo
169 Microsoft Picks Another Web Standards Fight
170 New Chrome 21 Can See & Hear
171 What's New In Firefox 15 And 16
172 Chrome Now Has WebRTC
173 StatCounter's Animated Map Shows Shifting Browser Landscape
174 Firefox Junior for Apple iOS
175 Opera 12 Faster and More Stable
176 A Tax On IE7
177 Chrome Overtakes IE In Global Stats
178 Firefox 12 Delivers Improved Developer Tools
179 A Browser For Work and Another For Play
180 Chrome 18 Now With 2D GPU Graphics
181 WebGL 3D Graphs on Google
182 Opera Mobile and Mini for Android
183 Did Chrome Overtake IE?
184 Firefox 11 Brings 3D Debugging
185 Android Displaces Opera as Most Popular Mobile Web Browser
186 Dart + Chromium = Dartium
187 Mozilla Plans Metro Firefox For Windows 8
188 A Change of Direction in the Race for Browser Market Share?
189 Firefox 10 - More For Developers
190 Firefox Safe for Another Three Years
191 JavaScript Is Slow
192 Chrome 15 - World's Most Popular Browser
193 Microsoft Drops VML and Filters in IE10
194 Internet Explorer loses market share
195 Mozilla drops Labs Kit
196 Chrome native apps split the browser world
197 Android to get Chrome browser?
198 Mozilla's new home for projects
199 Native client in the Chrome Web App store
200 Firefox 6 - developer goodies
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