ASP.NET MVC conference videos
Wednesday, 23 February 2011

If you are interested in where ASP.NET MVC is at or where it is going then here's a set of recorded talks to view or download. Consider them essential viewing.


Scott Guthrie, ASP.NET MVC's most fervent advocate, has made available a list of videos made earlier this month at the 2nd annual mvcConf event.  This was a free, online conference focused on ASP.NET MVC.

If you are interested in where ASP.NET MVC is at or where it is going then these are essential viewing. One warning, they are long at about an hour each and they are fairly uncut and unedited - so don't expect too much polish.



Below are links to free recordings of the talks that you can watch and optionally download (from Scott Guthrie's blog):

Great! Now if only we can get as much enthusiasm together for "classic" ASP.NET.

Further reading

ASP.NET MVC 3 released

New .NET tools in beta - NuPack, ASP .NET MVC 3, WebMatrix

Microsoft WebMatrix and Razor

MVC - it's the routing stupid!

ASP.Net MVC in Action

Dependency Injection



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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 23 February 2011 )