JetBrains RustRover Now Commercially Available
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Friday, 24 May 2024

JetBrains has announced the commercial release of RustRover, an IDE for Rust developers. The company describes RustRover  as combining advanced coding support with an integrated toolchain.

JetBrains says RustRover simplifies the Rust coding experience, with features including real-time feedback, intelligent code suggestions, simplified toolchain management, and team collaboration. The previous JetBrains product for Rust developers was IntelliJ Rust, an open-source Rust plugin for IntelliJ-based IDEs.


While the new release has a commercial version, JetBrains will offer RustRover's free subscription plan for developers working on non-commercial projects. Explaining the licensing, Kirill Smelov of JetBrains said:

"To keep the price down, we’ve trimmed some of the features that are less used. Most of these features are still available as paid or free plugins so that you can adjust the IDE to your needs.

Regardless of whether you’re self-employed or working for a company, you need to buy a paid commercial license for commercial usage."

As part of the launch, JetBrains is offering a 50% discount on an annual subscription plan for developers who purchase a commercial license before June 21, 2024.

RustRover provides real-time feedback, intelligent code suggestions, simplified toolchain management, and team collaboration. Developers get rapid error detection and real-time feedback, and the tool can be used without installing additional plugins or configuring the IDE from scratch.

The IDE includes unit testing integration, and code insights aimed at illustrating the code and its structure.

JetBrains says the IDE includes full integration of all the tools required for successful coding in Rust, including Rust Compiler. It also includes full VCS integration with built-in GitHub and Git support.

This release includes an AI Assistant integrated within the IDE that helps with multi-line code completion, documentation, and test generation, identifier name suggestions, AI-suggested refactoring, and code explanation.

The commercial release has improved crate and features dependency management. It also adds Code Vision optimizations.

RustRover is available now.


More Information

JetBrains RustRover Website

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 12 June 2024 )