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# Article Title
401 Self 4.5 Mallard Released
402 Dart 1.1 Released
403 Rust Reaches 0.9
404 Help Higgs Compile JavaScript
405 Was Python 3 A Mistake?
406 Ruby 2.1 With Better Garbage Collection
407 The Top Languages Of 2013
408 Microsoft's New Language - M#
409 The Reason For The Weird PHP Function Names
410 Google's Dart Becomes ECMA's Dart
411 Go 1.2 Is Released
412 Buy A Pi For $25 And Get Mathematica Free
413 Google's Dart Reaches 1.0
414 Wolfram Language The Key To The Future?
415 Ceylon 1.0.0 Released
416 Go Is Four
417 Rubinius 2.0 Released
418 Ceylon 1.0 and Ceylon IDE 1.0 Released in Beta
419 Free Version of PyCharm Python IDE
420 IPython 1.0 Released
421 Gaming TIOBE?
422 NoFlo Kickstarter For Easy Programming
423 Which Languages Have Most Influence?
424 MIT - Who Needs Programming Languages?
425 Rust 0.7 Released
426 Harlan Goes Public For GPU Coding
427 PHP 5.5.0 Released
428 Dart Gets A Beta SDK
429 New Ruby Website Now Open
430 Processing Version 2.0 Released
431 A Brief History Of Programming Languages
432 Terra - A Language For Lua
433 Enum Causes Controversy for Python 3.4
434 Scratch 2.0 Released - Use It In A Browser
435 Brython - Python In The Browser
436 Python 3.3 Overtakes 2.7 - Time To Switch?
437 R 3.0 - The Masked Marvel
438 Eclipse Xtend Reaches 2.4
439 Settlement Secures Python Name For Language
440 Ruby 2.0.0 Emphasizes Lazy
441 What To Call A Language - Mathematica Has a Problem
442 The Python Name Under Attack
443 Most Popular Languages For Challenges
444 The Top Languages of 2012
445 Ada 2012 Approved
446 Grants Awarded To Kivy and NLTK To Boost Python 3
447 PyPy - Faster Python Now On ARM
448 Small Basic Grows Extensions
449 Free COBOL in Enterprise Developer Personal Edition
450 Go Programming Language Turns 3
451 Rust 0.4 Full Integration of Borrowed Pointers
452 The W3C Speech API - A Google Initiative
453 First Release of Dart SDK
454 TypeScript - Microsoft's Replacement For JavaScript
455 Python 3.3 Released
456 PHP v Ruby v Python - The Language Crunch
457 Oracle Gives Up on Fortress
458 Learn 6502 Assembler The Easy Way
459 Objective-C Overtakes C++ in TIOBE Index
460 Google Blockly - A Graphical Language with a Difference
461 Four Language Videos - Lang.NEXT 2012
462 The $10 Million Computer-Assisted Programming Project
463 Ready to Go - Go Reaches Version 1
464 JavaScript On the Rise
465 PHP 5.4 - A Major Update
466 Kotlin Goes Open Source
467 Standalone Lua Development Tools
468 Language Wars - PHP, Python, Ruby
469 Google Helps Devs Convert JavaScript To Dart
470 Ceylon IDE Officially Released
471 Dart Does Physics - Just To Prove It Can!
472 The Top Languages of 2011
473 New ISO C standard - C11
474 Programming Languages - A Map
475 Perl 6 Contest
476 Ceylon Achieves Milestone 1
477 Lua 5.2.0 Released
478 Programming languages not copyrightable
479 eBay introduces
480 Paragon - a programming language for security
481 Ceylon Language Website Launched
482 Obfuscate C and Win - IOCCC 2011/12 Has Started
483 Eclipse Launches a JDK language
484 Visual Language for Arduino - Minibloq
485 C++ Going Native - Inside C+/CX design
486 Write in C - a tribute to Denis Ritchie
487 Google starts to detail Dart
488 Lua, D and the Cs all gain ground
489 Google spawns yet another language - Dart
490 C++ Going Native - new episode
491 Opa - a unified approach to web programming
492 C++ catches up in the next Visual Studio
493 Meta Programming System 2.0
494 The Cilk plus language goes open source
495 C++0x approved
496 Learn assembler for free
497 Real-World F# - a free book
498 Perl Weekly launched
499 Free book - C++ Windows programming
500 C++ Going Native - a new monthly show
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