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# Article Title
501 Waterbear - a visual language for Javacript
502 Which JavaScript is fastest?
503 Ceylon - a new Java killer?
504 Visual C++ Weekly - read it now
505 Try F# website
506 ISO C++0x makes final draft
507 Guido van Rossum on Python past, present and future
508 Kodu Cup Contest
509 JRuby 1.6.0 released
510 Kodu - programming for kids
511 Ruby turns 18
512 Python 3.2 released
513 A free graphical language for big data
514 New Python and Perl Programming Certificates
515 Visual Cobol reaches the Cloud
516 Language of the year
517 Grant Of 2.3 Million Euros For Scala
518 New in VC++ 2010 (video)
519 Ranking Languages
520 The forgotten tribe - VC++ programmers
521 New JavaScript Mailing list - JSMentors
522 New Pythons - 2.7.1 and 3.1.3
523 Homes Found For Iron languages
524 Intel OpenCL SDK
525 Not too late to enter Ruby competition
526 Microsoft Lets Go Of The Iron Languages
527 Rubinius gets an upgrade
528 Zaphod/Narcissus - a Javascript engine for innovation
529 Ruboto - Ruby for Android
530 Why invent a new language? Go creator explains
531 Clojure 1.2 - hot off the press
532 Ruby 1.9.2 Released
533 Microsoft's Dynamic Languages Are Dying
534 Perl 6 preview release
535 Eclipse Community Survey Reveals .... what ?
536 Go with Google - Yet Another Language!
537 Scratch Not To Be Sniffed At!
538 JRuby 1.5.0
539 The Commercialization of R
540 Perl 5.12.0 released
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