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# Article Title
301 Cutting Edge Languages At Curry On
302 The Weekly Top 10: Ruby and Rails
303 Why Is C Top Language In IEEE Ranking?
304 Assembler In The Top Ten Languages For July
305 Ruby On Rails Reaches 5.0
306 IBM Backs R Consortium
307 Visual Basic Reaches 25th Birthday - Microsoft Censors Campaign To Open Source VB6
308 Node.js Bridge For COBOL
309 Scratch Blocks For Beginners In Developer Preview
310 Anders Hejlsberg - Compiler Construction The Modern Way
311 Xamarin Now Free - Does This Change Everything Or Nothing?
312 E. coli Your Next Major Platform Programmed In Cello
313 R Consortium Grants
314 Mathics 0.9 - Open Source Mathematica Compatible
315 Thunkable Forks MIT App Inventor
316 Go 1.6 Released
317 Kotlin JVM 1.0
318 Rust 1.6 Released
319 Microsoft Unveils Free R Server
320 Pestering Peacock Pascal Compiler
321 Java TIOBE Top Language 2015
322 Dolphin Smalltalk Goes Open Source
323 Ruby 2.3 Released
324 Free Wolfram Programming Lab And Book
325 Looking Into Sidef
326 Apple Open Sources Swift 2
327 Dart SDK Improves JavaScript Access
328 Raspberry Pi Gets Processing
329 Julia Gets $600K
330 Julia 0.4 Released
331 Perl 6 Unveiled
332 Tiobe Tweaks Algorithm To Eliminate Spikes
333 Rust 1.3 Released
334 IEEE Custom Ranks Programming Languages
335 Google's Go Finally Kills Off C
336 COBOL for Node.js
337 Squeak 5.0 Released
338 Rust Releases New Versions
339 The Evolution Of Programming Languages
340 Go 1.5 In Beta
341 Top Languages 2015 - Stasis But For Go And Swift
342 Racket 6.2 Released
343 Dart Moves To GitHub
344 Perl 5.22.0 Released
345 Visual Language Snap! Version 4.0 Released
346 Rust Hits Stable 1.0 - So What?
347 Picat 1.0 - Is Logic Programming Making A Comeback?
348 Dart 1.9 Now With Async And Await
349 Dart Changes Course - No Longer To Be Native In Chrome
350 Python 2 Versus Python 3 Revisited
351 Programming Languages On GitHub
352 Scala.js Exits Experimental Stage
353 Most Popular Computer Languages 2015
354 Android Support in Groovy 2.4
355 Lua 5.3 Released
356 Rust 1.0 Alpha Released
357 Ruby and Rails Updated
358 JavaScript Is The Language Of 2014
359 Go 1.4 gets Android support
360 Dart 1.8 Adds Support for App Engine and enums
361 R Heads For Top Ten Languages
362 Ceylon 1.1.0 And Ceylon IDE 1.1 Released
363 The Astonishing Rise Of Dart
364 Tweet-a-Program
365 Java And C++ At All Time Low
366 Sniff - A Language for Arduino and Pi
367 PHP 5.6.0. Released
368 Talking About Languages
369 Racket 6.1
370 PHP Gets A Formal Specification
371 Update: The Next Version Of PHP And The Status Of PHPng
372 Project Kotlin Moves On
373 Mathematica 10 Released
374 RLint: Reformatting R Code to Follow the Google Style Guide
375 Ecma Approves Dart
376 Dart 1.5 Released
377 Wolfram Language Cloud Launched
378 Go 1.3 Released
379 Perl 5.20 And Mojolicious 5.0 Released
380 PHP Next Generation Project Announced
381 New Groovy
382 Pharo 3.0 Released
383 Scala 2.11 Released
384 Google Dart SDK 1.3 Gives Faster Async
385 Clojure 1.6
386 Facebook Introduces Hack, A Better PHP
387 Demo Of Wolfram Language
388 Which Languages Influenced Which?
389 Self 4.5 Mallard Released
390 Dart 1.1 Released
391 Rust Reaches 0.9
392 Help Higgs Compile JavaScript
393 Was Python 3 A Mistake?
394 Ruby 2.1 With Better Garbage Collection
395 The Top Languages Of 2013
396 Microsoft's New Language - M#
397 The Reason For The Weird PHP Function Names
398 Google's Dart Becomes ECMA's Dart
399 Go 1.2 Is Released
400 Buy A Pi For $25 And Get Mathematica Free
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