Visual C++ Weekly - read it now
Written by Alex Armstrong   
Wednesday, 06 April 2011

Part of the resurgence of activity at Microsoft's VC++ department is a weekly newsletter which is  already at Issue 14.


There has been something of a resurgence of activity at the VC++ department at Microsoft - more posts to the blog, an attempt to respond to users problems and a weekly newsletter on VC++ and it happens to have some useful stuff in it!

The latest issue Vol 1 Issue 14 can be read at VC++ Newsletter.

My only complaint if the "cute" layout format in the form of a newspaper. It initially looks good but its a bit of an uncontrolled mess when you try to use it. To give you some idea what's in the issue:

  • Troubleshooting Tips for IntelliSense Slowness
  • The Concurrency Runtime and Visual C++ 2010: Lambda Expressions
  • CMapi v1.23 (MFC classes for sending and receiving mail using Simple MAPI)
  • Exception Boundaries: Working With Multiple Error Handling Mechanisms
  • Is it reasonable to use the prefix increment operator ++it instead of postfix operator it++ for iterators?
  • Meet the Visual C++ Most Valuable Professionals (II)
  • Windows 7 Taskbar Integration for MFC Applications
  • Windows Restart and Recovery Recipe

Personally I could do without the interviews with MVPs and more opinion, how-to, best practice would be good. If they want to put in opinion articles, more on where VC++ is going would be better.


Related articles:

The forgotten tribe - VC++ programmers

New in VC++ 2010 (video)


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Last Updated ( Monday, 16 May 2011 )